Locate Android & iOS UI elements using Appium Desktop

September 14, 2021

Appium Desktop image

Download Appium Desktop

Appium Desktop Apps

Run appium desktop

Ensure ANDROID_HOME and JAVA_HOME are set in appium desktop. To do this, hit Edit Configuration button, and add path to ANDROID_HOME and JAVA_HOME

Appium Desktop Enviroment Variable

4723 is the default port that being use by Appium. When using Appium Desktop, we could change to different port to avoid conflict.

Appium Desktop Port

Hit Start Server button to start an instant of appium on port 4725 in this example.

Now that we got appium server running. We can start inspecting connected device using Start Inspector Session button

Start Inspector Session

Using Desired Capabilies, we can specify which platform and device we want to connected too, minimum parameter is platformName.

Android: Android Desired Capability

iOS: iOS Desired Capability

These capbilies can be saved by Save As... button

Save Capability

Hit Start Session button and mobile UI elements should be parsed as XML tree on Appium Desktop

Appium Desktop UI inspector

Note: any UI changes (eg: you open another app or move to different tab within the app) from device screen will not be automatic updated from Appium desktop. Refresh button will need to be use when UI changes from the device happened from outside Appium Desktop.

Manual query for element can be use by tap Search For Element button Search for element

Accessibility Card Search

Select element foung will be highlighted in the UI Select elemetn from Search

These are just some of the main features of Appium Desktop that I use, there are test recorder, tap, swip, element attribute and much more…

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Written by MAUI Coder

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